Customer FAQ's

How do I register an account?

Simply download the App and click on “register account” on the main screen.

How much does the App cost?

The App is free to download and use for all customers.

Where can I download the App?

The App can be found on both the App store (for iOS) and on the Play Store (for Android)

How do I request a service?

Once logged in simply click on the green button at the bottom of your screen and tap on your desired category (e.g. Plumber, Electrician, Handyman or Services) and choose the Service you need from the list. The request will be sent to the relevant contractor or handyman within your radius. 

How does the costing work?

We do not handle any of the costing involved with quotes or invoices for any work done by the contractor or handyman. Any and all quoting, or invoices is handled between the customer and the contractor.

How can I trust letting a Contractor or Handyman into my home?

All our Contractors and Handymen are checked by their documentation they upload before they are accepted onto our App. 

When will a Contractor or Handyman be at my desired location?

When you request a service, you are asked to give a date and time as to when you would like the contractor or handyman to see you.

Can I request a different location for the services?

Of course. When requesting a service, you have an option to either use your current location that you signed up with or you can add a different location.

Who can I speak to about any problems with the App?

Please send an email to for any problems or questions you have with the app. We will get back to you ASAP. Any feedback is welcome, as we are always looking to improve the app.

Service Provider FAQ's

How do I sign up as a Contractor or Handyman?

Download the Global Contracting Service App. Select the Terms & Conditions before tapping the “Sign-up Now” button. From there be sure to select the contractor Icon at the top of the screen before putting in your email address and password. At the bottom you can select whether you are a handyman or Contractor. From there you can select all the services you offer in all the categories, then select the radius you work in and then continue to the subscription & payment section.

Where can I download the App?

Our App can be found on both the App store (for iOS) and on the Play Store (for Android.)

How much are subscriptions?

  • Handyman R50 per/month.
  • Insurance Affiliated Contractor R200 per/month
  • Registered Contractor R250 per/month

You can also choose to pay annually.

Why do I need to upload a picture of my ID/Passport/Company Registration Document?

This is to ensure the safety of all our customers and to ensure you are a legitimate company.

Why do I need to enter my payment card details?

This is for your subscriptions. All our payments are done through Payfast.  All sensitive card info is encrypted within their own database. They are also PCI-DSS Level 1 Compliant. This ensures all your information secure.